Strengths: The store has a large stock range. The brand also has a strong brand image. The logo is very sophisticated and can be clearly seen from a far distance. The garments are reasonably with all the garments made from such luxurious fabrics. Miu Miu do both Men's and Women's wear, but the menswear department is located on the ground floor.
Weaknesses: I found that there isn't many Miu Miu garment stores inside of other well known brands such as Liberty's & House of Fraser. Miu Miu has 4 department stores in London.
Opportunities: I think that Miu Miu need to expand their website. They only sell accessories online. Selling more garments online would boost their profits and also the label would get more noticed around the world. They could also do more designer collaborations to create some even more interesting garments.
Threats: The current financial climate could be a potential threat to Miu Miu's branding. The standard rates are also getting higher. It seems that other designers aren't wanting to collaborate or that Miu Miu don't seem like they need/want too.